Where we work


Hagar have been working in Afghanistan since 2009 bringing our Trauma Informed Care model to a country which has long been in the top 10 countries with the highest prevalence of slavery. Since the formation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Hagar’s work has broadened to work with the displaced and vulnerable to prevent even more individuals becoming trapped in slavery and abuse.

The situation in Afghanistan remains precarious. According to the latest UN estimates, more than 95% of Afghans will soon be living below the poverty line. More than 680,000 people have been internally displaced since the change of Government among which 59% are children under 18 years. Rising levels of hunger and outbreaks in refugee camps continue to overwhelm struggling health services. On top of that, the harsh winter over the past few months has further exacerbated people’s lack of access to food.

But because of all of our wonderful donors around the world, Hagar has been able to respond! Hagar has been one of the few NGOs on the ground that have been permitted to provide ongoing humanitarian support.

We are determined to find a way to help the Afghan people we work with to move forward with their lives and gain independence and skills. This is coupled with continuing to work with some of the most vulnerable in the society.

The focus of Hagar’s work in Afghanistan is:

Restoring Lives through Livelihood

This project helps individuals gain financial independence so they can support themselves and their families. It has three different parts.

  1. Cooperatives – 270 women are part of three tailoring cooperatives. Here they work and learn together, produding garments to sell.
  2. Small business support – 17 small business loans helped individuals set up grocery carts, poultry rearing and garment selling.
  3. Cash for work – 143 individuals benefitted from Hagar’s help in gaining employment

Child Friendly Spaces

Child Friendly Spaces were set up as part of our initial reponse after the change of government in the summer of 2021. These provided a safe space for vulnerable, displaced children giving them warmth, education and community and most of all ensuring that they weren’t roaming the streets vulnerable to exploitation.

These spaces have continued to offer a haven to more than 300 children in 7 locations around Kabul. 

Boys and Girls’ Shelters

Hagar Afghanistan run two shelters in Kabul.

Forgotten No More Boys’ Shelter

This shelter is home to 25 boys providing Hagar’s Whole Journey program. The boys receive a safe home, clothing, food, counselling, education and skills for economic independence as well as access to justice for male-child victims of trafficking and abuse.

Girls’ Shelter

Being the only shelter for girls in Kabul, the Hagar shelter is a invaluable place of safety and care. The shelter is a home for those who have suffered due to trafficking and abuse, as well as some with physical and mental disabilities. With access to all the expertise and care of Hagar staff and programmes, the shelter is a place of healing and hope.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

Help us transform lives

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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