Thanks to your generous support, we are pleased to share some highlights from Hagar’s work in Cambodia last year. In 2017, we were able to provide:
• comprehensive recovery services to 576 women and children including closing 84 cases and reintegrating 58 clients back into their communities
• support to a further 1,641 family members of our clients
• education to 327 children including 16 at the university level
• legal support for 91 clients including securing 23 convictions of perpetrators
• nine community trainings for 358 community members about domestic violence, trafficking, online safety, and positive parenting.
Read more about the impact of your support here.
Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of its clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled.
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.