The trauma-informed model developed by Hagar provides training that demonstrates to teachers how they can see students through a trauma lens, by trying to understand their student’s feelings, thoughts and behaviours as the symptoms of their trauma history.”
In his recent publication, Hagar USA’s Executive Director, Mike Nowlin, offers insights on the implementation of this model to therapists and educators in developing countries based on Hagar’s 25 years of experience providing trauma-informed care for school-aged children in Cambodia.
Read the full article from the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity here.
Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of its clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled.
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.